Tag: JohnnyFonts.com

The (Forced) New Look of  JohnnyFomts.com

The (Forced) New Look of JohnnyFomts.com

The (Forced) New Look of  JohnnyFomts.com

This blog needed a theme upgrade… Partly due to look, partly because it was not properly compatible with WordPress – and not been for years.


Sunday night, I was casually messing around in a potential theme upgrade and I accidentally activated it. That would not be a big deal, just switch to the other theme, except the out-of-date blog theme was/is no longer available for use. Oops.

So… The blog’s look is changing, ot must be configured and la-de-da. Mind the dust as I reconfogure the site.

In brief: Still here, thanks

In brief: Still here, thanks

In brief: Still here, thanks

“A blog with a blogger who doesn’t blog? Huh?”

I lack regular readers, I think, but in case you are a regular and have noticed a lack of new posts, I must confess my bad.

Most of my time has been spent focused on the radio submissions post which is now 250+ listings in length and 10,000 words. I spend time promoting music on Reddit in the Adult Contemporary subgroup…

And I write things I don’t complete as doubt and overthinking stops me (with plenty of og types().

I’m here though. Johnny Fonts is still on Johnny Fonts.

Will fresh content be up soon? Dunno. Will it be sports again such as the 2020 Stanley Cup Champion Tampa Bay Lightning which I covered for so long? Who knows. What about politics and Wannabe-King, I-won’t-concede Trump? Meh, to hell with him and that.

I’ll write when I write… And hope my hands cooperate.

Johnny Fonts on Spotify; follow me, won’t you?

Johnny Fonts on Spotify; follow me, won’t you?

Johnny Fonts on Spotify; follow me, won’t you?

Here you go, John Fontana on Spotify… That’s right, Johnny Fonts on Spotigy be here.


Theme foray fade

Just an aside remark:
I went back to my previous WordPress theme. There were just a few many aspects of the new one that didn’t sit well with me after a month of use. This site is a lone author’s writing, not a news magazine…

About JohnnyFonts.com

About JohnnyFonts.com

About JohnnyFonts.com

Johnny Fonts is the continued web presence and weblog of life-long online personality, sports fan/writer, and Tampa Bay-area blogger John Fontana (a 1997 graduate of East Lake High School).

Lemme stop with the third-party writing and say it directly. I’ve been online since the ear;u days of dial-up and the Prodigy network. JohnnyFonts.com is built upon my time as a blogger, which started officially in the summer of 2002. Unofficially, I began what I didn’t know was blogging in 2000 on a Tripod web page.

  • I’m more well known for my involvement in coverage of the Tampa Bay Lightning as the Bay area’s original Tampa Bay Lightning blogger. I started in February 2004 (the season in which the Lightning would win its first Stanley Cup championship) and later founded Raw Charge on the SB Nation network. I’ve also spent plenty of time on baseball and had a web site pushing for the end of the designated hitter rule, how about that!</p>

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<p>I also have the rare disease Neurofibromatosis Type 2. This disease has too often affected me physically in life. An unknown fact: It was while I recovered from back surgery (an operation necessitated due to the disease) that influenced me to start hockey blogging, Sadly, NF2 has ended my involvement in sports coverage by way of low-vision.</p>
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<p>Plus it’s made typing a bitch (grumble, grumble). New, fresh blog pposts on this site are less common</p>
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<p>I ramble, I rant. I can be funny and I can be an outright asshole (anxiety can influence that). I can be naive and ignorant in a man-boy way (my experience with the Beatles shows this) and I can be creative. In simplicity: I’m a writwe. The archives of this blog and elsewhere onoine show thAt.</p>
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<p>Much of what you can find on this blog is pop – movies, music, ‘net stuff – and other times it’s personal. It’s also gone political, Will it piss you off or please you, I don’t know. Ir’s the avenue of my self-expression…and typos. Lot’s of typos.</p>
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<p>I spend much of my time now researching and editing TunedQuest, a list of radio stations accepting music submissions. I got uibto that gavut in the summer of 2019. Why? Read about that here.</p>
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As for the nickname Johnny Fonts: it’s been clung to since 2010. It comes from a minor anecdote on social media. John had helped his friend Catherine Robinson’s novel writing by editing drafts of Learning Curves. In one status post on Facebook, her husband, Marc, simply barked the name “Johnny Fonts!” in an enthusiastic-yet-bizare show of thanks toward Fontana. It came out of nowhere and… and… well, why not go with it?

For those interested in guest post advertisements: I do not accept guest post.This is a private blog, not a commercial company. Please do not request information about guest posts.