Tag: meta

The (Forced) New Look of  JohnnyFomts.com

The (Forced) New Look of JohnnyFomts.com

The (Forced) New Look of  JohnnyFomts.com

This blog needed a theme upgrade… Partly due to look, partly because it was not properly compatible with WordPress – and not been for years.


Sunday night, I was casually messing around in a potential theme upgrade and I accidentally activated it. That would not be a big deal, just switch to the other theme, except the out-of-date blog theme was/is no longer available for use. Oops.

So… The blog’s look is changing, ot must be configured and la-de-da. Mind the dust as I reconfogure the site.

In brief: Still here, thanks

In brief: Still here, thanks

In brief: Still here, thanks

“A blog with a blogger who doesn’t blog? Huh?”

I lack regular readers, I think, but in case you are a regular and have noticed a lack of new posts, I must confess my bad.

Most of my time has been spent focused on the radio submissions post which is now 250+ listings in length and 10,000 words. I spend time promoting music on Reddit in the Adult Contemporary subgroup…

And I write things I don’t complete as doubt and overthinking stops me (with plenty of og types().

I’m here though. Johnny Fonts is still on Johnny Fonts.

Will fresh content be up soon? Dunno. Will it be sports again such as the 2020 Stanley Cup Champion Tampa Bay Lightning which I covered for so long? Who knows. What about politics and Wannabe-King, I-won’t-concede Trump? Meh, to hell with him and that.

I’ll write when I write… And hope my hands cooperate.

Johnny Fonts on Spotify; follow me, won’t you?

Johnny Fonts on Spotify; follow me, won’t you?

Johnny Fonts on Spotify; follow me, won’t you?

Here you go, John Fontana on Spotify… That’s right, Johnny Fonts on Spotigy be here.


[Meta] This blog isn’t all about the Bolts

I round out that every single category of his web site was listed as “Tampa Bay Lightning” in search engine results. One setting or another related the mistake.

I wouldn’t think any repeat visitors saw 5he issue. I still feel the need to apologize; it’s a big s red up an embarrassing to have happened.

“Typing’s an adventure…”  takes on new meaning

“Typing’s an adventure…” takes on new meaning

“Typing’s an adventure…”  takes on new meaning

For those who check in on me here with any regularity, while I wish this was just an extension of season’s greetings, sadly it’s not.

Due to issues, I am experiencing with my left hand (and many many typos by way pf it), my online content production – writing – is vastly hindered. This has frustratingly slowed my writing to end 2019.

I do hope to have new content up in the days ahead, but certain typos are not seen by spell-check editing apps and programs. Ig puts my love of writing in a mire of inability.

In essence, fair readers: Technical difriculties; please stay tuned.




Let me stress outright: This is a personal weblog. All content on the site is of a variety of subject matters by a lone author: Me. Hi.

There is a section for “Guest Writers”, but that content is literally writing penned by personal guests/friends (and hasn’t been used for more than 15 years). I am not looking for “guest writers”. I’m not seeking to do “sponsored” posts.

To be frank and candid: With the minuscule amount of web traffic that Johnny Fonts draws, you’d be better off investing elsewhere.

What this site is open to is traditional banner ads on the sidebar and within posts. I am willing to discuss in-post link, In both cases, the content must be fitting for the site and not a scheme, pornography, or other

If you are interested in discussing things, please use the Contact Form to drop me a line. If your content in the form turns out to be a copy-and-paste, mass-communication, you’re not likely to get a response.

Lightning hockey and that blogger named John…

I’ve posted no updates regarding the Bolts so far this season, this isn’t really one either. I needed to make one casual remark that has nothing to do with the 2019-20 season:

Because I tend to use the Lightning’s own logo for all Lightning related posts, I’m actually overdue to start using the “Boltsmag” logo. After all: Boltsmag.com points to my hockey-related category here on Johnny Fonts.

If you do need to hear me state something about the season, I’ll be short in saying defense, where is it? Tampa Bay is allowing too many shots on goal and hasn’t been that steong while short-handed. That needs to improve going forward.

I’ll shut up now… ☺

Polls are now open…

Just a quick note that I’ve got a (working) poll application now. I don’t know how often they will be used but it’s a live feature. A poll is on the sidebar (and I am seriously curious of people’s opinions on the subject).

Less banners, for now

A lot of images were taken off banner rotation for now… Mostly because they weren’t mine and I figured, being a professional, I should stop doing what they tell us not to do with images: Just take and crop to your satisfaction.

I’ll figure out something new for the header soon enough.

In the news today (oh boy…)

No sooner do I find myself in print in The Hockey News

…do I find out I can’t find a print copy of The Hockey News in Palm Harbor. Sheesh.