Month: August 2016


Additions for “Relaxing, EASY favorites”?

I have a musical playlist that is 9 hours long. It’s specifically songs that I can relax to and that I enjoy listening to, spanning over 50 years…

And yet, I can use more songs or suggestions to add to the playlist. While every song on this list I like in one way or another, hearing certain songs too often can diminish them or make me want something else. At the same time, there’s got to be more than a few songs I’m outright forgetting from bygone eras of pop music, and I know I’m clueless on more recent songs that are catchy and fit this. Read More

A conflict of Pinterest

I’ve been on Pinterest the past few months, using it more to try to spread information / pop culture type items and such than to do what is common: Tout personal photos and wants. Maybe this is a sign how little I know about Pinterest or how I vary from the bulk of Pinterest users, but whatever…

One board I’ve set up is rather generic and yet rather necessary for broadening web exposure. It’s simply touting hockey blogs. That’s playing up the sport of hockey as well as playing up coverage coming from either the media or the fans themselves who drive blog coverage. It’s also a really, really tough feet to accomplish.

There are so many hockey blogs out there; that aspect I’m not trying to play down when I say it’s tough to accomplish what I’m trying. Massive amounts of coverage for the Canadian based teams and other franchises throughout the US (especially northeast market and elder clubs) are not surprising at all. What is surprising is the difficulty of trying to pin said-blogs to the Hockey Bloggers board with thanks to the inability to pin site logos from the individual blogs.

The pin attempts aren’t for specific posts on the sites, it’s linking generically to the sites… And for one coding reason or another I just can’t pin certain site logos (unable, I don’t mean that as by choice). I’m not doing the postings to just show off logos – I make sure to link to the sites and play up what they do in the Pinterest posts – but I’m also trying to play up the individual entity that is the site. What’s better to do when highlighting a web site in general than to show off their site logo?

So, I‘ve got to figure out a way to link to more logos. I’ve been trying to focus on a broader array of blogs than just SB Nation sites (…where the logo pinning is not an issue). At this rate though, I’ll either have to manually download and upload blog logos (which I have in one instance) or wave a white flag and give up on the entire concept.

Whatever the case, there are only 17 blogs listed at this point… And I can tell you quite easily that there is a hell of a lot more out there in hockey blogdom than 16.

Seeking blog contributors for Raw Charge

Seeking blog contributors for Raw Charge

Seeking blog contributors for Raw Charge

Raw Charge is looking for writers to add to the staff of their SB Nation blog covering the Tampa Bay Lightning.  How would I know? I run the damn place, that is how I would know.

I bring this up on my personal blog site that gets next-to-no web traffic (but a gargantuan number of bot driven spam comments) because it’s a chance to talk about the aspiration to add staff.  Well, it’s not just adding staff, per se. It’s about trying to find writing teammates to work with. This is a quest to find guys and girls who love the sport, and the team but also want to be part of something bigger.

Things have changed in the past calendar year (or a bit longer) on Raw Charge with people leaving the site, self-driven writers who didn’t want to fit a format (be it site use or grammar), and college influence / professional aspirations stopping others from writing in a casual format.

While the site has taken on some very capable writers the past few months, there is still missing elements and consistency in contributions.

I’m looking for a Tampa Bay based element for new contributors. I don’t mean relocated-for-college-but-originally-from-TB people… I mean folks who are here.

You can access the official post about looking-for-writers at this link.

“Haircut” by the Pretty Voices (with lyrics)

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Potential tropical development and a touch on hurricane history

I’m a weather guy, just a bit. I get a lot of entertainment / comfort out of reviewing Doppler radar in the Tampa Bay area and Florida. I keep myself informed regarding the tropical weather situation because it’s a looming issue at play annually.

I’m a little flabbergasted this afternoon though as I reviewed the latest update on the Bay News 9 tropical update page that Tropical Depression #6 for the Atlantic hurricane season is out there. Read that again, people, Tropical Depression Number six…. No, I’m not trying to play up the total as if it set some record and illustrates this-and-that of environmental development. I’m surprised and shocked because of how few tropical systems have been out there as this is only the sixth weather system with the potential to develop in the summer of 2016.

There is the negative shocker to be worried about here too: Last time I can remember a tropical season starting so late (meaning developing a depression into a storm or hurricane) was 1992 when Hurricane Andrew started the process of development on August 16 (via Wikipedia). It was only the third depression of the season and the first one that developed. And man, did that thing develop…

If you’re in South Florida or on the Atlantic coast of the US, make sure you follow this system and in general keep an eye on the tropics now. We’re at the height of the hurricane season and that brings the most threats as well as the most potential catastrophe.