TunedQuest: The Radio Music Submission Resource to Help Gain Airplay

Artists Will Discover Many Radio Submission Options for Music Here

TunedQuest: The Radio Music Submission Resource to Help Gain Airplay

Last Updated 14.4.2023

Promotion of the independent musicians art should not be limited to Spotify playlists. Musical submissions to broadcast or streaming radio stations is an intimidating undertaking and not a straightforward task to attempt, especially with how many internet articles are out there promoting the “best” or “top” stations to submit music to.

I started the following listing in the summer of 2019 and it includes many broadcast entities and promotional agents that accept music submissions as I have been able to find through search ebfine and sicial media research.

There are four sections: General, Genre-Specific, College Radio, and Regional, with each further divided into more specific options. The menu to the left provides quick-jump navigation to each section.
The stations and sites vary in their submission processes, as some cling to the arcane mail-physical-copies (CDs/vinyl records), while others make it easy with online submission forms and clear information requests. Simple submit-by-email stations are listed too but vary in how they want those emails

While pay-for-airplay stations are listed (along with a few pay-to-submit regional stations), it is the artist who is to be paid by commercial stations that pick songs up.

Most importantly, don’t wait for the official results of submissions before trying again. You are looking for success with your music, and that comes by way of airplay/exposure and listener reaction. Keep submitting and put your best foot forward as you do so, with the music you submit and the information you share with the stations/sites you deal with.

Notes listed with the stations are more submission info and not broadcast details or deep station details. Some notes are wild rambles– Hey! This is a personal weblog! I do that sometimes! The original TunedQuest lead-in is a good example!

And typos. You will find typos in those notes..

Ultimately it’s the links that matter and your submissions. Good luck!

Please Note

  • hile most category sections are alphabetically listed, the lists thensekces are completely random in order.
  • The listing order in the North American regio0nal section is an imperfect geographical order.
  • The college section contains all 50 US states and 8 of 10 Canadian provinces.
  • In the Regional category, a city will be listed if it has 3 or mlre stations or sites. here are 13 cities listed.


For more common updates or to just comment to me, follow me on Twitter. You can a; so comment on Reddit.


Major Networks ♫ Internet Rad ♫ At– Cost Other

Major Networks

  • Pandora
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: The addition of the Pandora streaming service was put off, in part, as I saw news that submissions upon publication through distributors was now possible.
    From my own experience, this is album submissions, not single tracks… And true album data needs to be provided. In my recollection, this isn’t new-only content either, so old albums and e.p.’s are up for submission too. That doesn’t mean acceptance though. That is a truth to music submissions anywhere.
  • SomaFM
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They’ll take download codes from Bandcamp or download links from the common services like Deopbox, Google Drive, etc. They also want high nitrate MP3 files and not alternative file types.
  • SiriusXM Canada
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Fab Radio International
    Web Sire || Submissions Page
    Notes: This UK-based station is a broader radio service than it appears, with multiple channels that host multiple genres, as well as the online stream.
    The fon6rasting element in the depth of Fab Radio is the means with which you – yes, you – can submit music. High Quality (production, mixing) is pushed on the submissions page ane a file-size limit of 12 Megabytes.
  • BigTime Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They boast a very wide public reach. I did not go as thoroughly through the music submission process. It starts at a registration/memmembe4ssip sign-up, If I take a stab, notes will be updated.
  • CBC Music
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: I’m a little uncomfortable posting this one as their method seems to key in on programming — note a program with submissions. ^here is even a second submissions pate about program submissions. It’s a major Canadian broadcast company, though, so it’s worth exploring.
  • BWH Group Music
    Web Site || Submissions Page*
    Notes: Powerful PR opportunity BUT
    I was actually researching submissions to Indie Spoonful and they heralded BWH Music Group on their submissions page without giving clear instructions on how to submit. Ultimately, contact seems to be done via email (i t w a s a n a w k w a r d p r e s e n t a t i o n) but the format of the page made me move on without as much research.
    All that said, this is a big-shit company with several broadcast arms of net-based and terrestrial broadcasts. This is ultimately PR, folks. It’s business.
    I’m not very comfortable posting a PR page as a “submissions” page, I much prefer individual stations with streams.
  • Indie Radio Network
    Web Site || Submission page
  • HD Radio Network
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They don’t elaborate on rules with submissions – single songs or full albums can be submitted. Be wise with fike- anr submission-quality.

Internet Radio

  • M3 Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: “New Music” — less than a year old – “24/7, 365”. Submissions are via email and a download link. Seeing Iggy Pop was atop their weekly charts at the time of this post, it shows you are in stiff competition for airplay,.
    The charts of M3 Radio show they play a multitude of genres. They highlight the adds (new airplay) in Heavy, Electric, World, Hip-Hop, and Jazz. That doesn’t mean they don’t accept submissions (or add artists) in other listed genres though.
  • The Shift
    Web Sit te || Submission page
    Note:  This isn’t just music but also video submissions. The Shift TV promotes music videos submitted by artists. If memory serves correctly, you have to sign up for an account. Not a big deal, but time-consuming.
  • 113.FM Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: But quite freeform, but close. At a casual glance,, it;s a multitude of channels through one site. What gets ion-air attention spans decades of nysuc histiry.
    In fact, you need to find the channelOsP your tunes would work on and tell them that within your submission email.
    MP3/WAV files submitted need to be a 320 bitratwe
  • Cheers to the Vikings
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Respect the Underground Worldwide Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Form submission. This site is bigger than I know. I looked at genres listed on the submission form; when “Big Band” is listed along with many variations of common indie music, you know a station is covering a lot of stuff. You must be a member of the site to submit content, you also must be 18 or older.
  • The BIRN
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Origionally listed as a Regional station, while owned and controlled by a college, Berklee Internet Radio Network is four channels and devoted to music… Not to city or campus life.
    The station accepts physical and email submissions – with music download links and info included.
  • RadioRadioX.com
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Call it freeform, the site plays a world-wide variety of music (they alsop like their neighbors of central upstate Neew Yorkm but this isn’t a local only station).
    Physical copies of music can be mailed or digital copies emailed (MP3 files only, please)
  • BE 100 World Hit Radio
    Web Site || || Submissions Page
    Notes: I see “underground” in titles and descriptions of many stations/sites taking submissions and try to highlight indie music. BE 100 says they’re mainstream. My interest is piqued. “Diverse multicultural” music is another way of saying they are freeform with music.
    Submissions are via email and the files must be MP3 or Wav.
  • Catorweb Radio
    Web Site || Submission page
    Notes: Mixing submitted artists and traditional major musicians. I’ve had a habit of tuning into their online stream and catching Stevie Ray Vaughn’s songs more often than indie acts. Blame that on when I was listening.
  • KISS Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Taking ew song submissions and promoting itself as playing today’s best…
  • BTD Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • BMS Radio Network
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Motes: A collection of streamig channels covering many music genres. I dom’t truly know how vide BMS Radio’s reach is They do
    have a Chicago arm (devoted to hip-hop/R&B) and most importantly, take pride in blending mainstream amd indie music.
    Sibmitting music is a process I did not explore in full… The submissions paqge asks tiy to submit tiyr bane/email for instructions
  • Indie Radio FM
    Web Site || Submission page
  • Indie X FM
    Web Site ||
    Notes: While the station is alll indie and accepts a variety of genres, litejijg shows pop/EDM (and high-quality production) drive a8rplay
  • Ths is tip-tier.
  • Indie Scene
    Web Site || Submission page
  • Lucid Vibe Radio
    Wbn Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They’re upfront with requesting much music — 10 to 12 song submissions in a folder, submitted in email. They are also pretty clear in what they are looking for: We are looking for any underground, new age, lofi, instrumental, EDM, chillstep, reggae, acoustic music that speaks to your soul. There’s more info on the submissions page, but this gives you the gist.
  • Insomnia Radio
    Web Site || Submission page
    Note: There are two different submission options: Plain-jane send-us-your-music.
    The other option is sending music, album art, biographical data – stuff so you can be highlighted – but you also need to make the music available for download on the station’s site.
  • Indie Music Plus
    Web Site || Submission page
  • Indie Music Discovery
    Web Site || Submission page
  • Lonely Oak Radio
    Web Site || Submission page
    Note: I’ve written at length to herald Lonely Oak Radio before. In essence though, if you’re just starting out with going toward radio/streaming options as an independent musician, this is where to start.  Also keep in mind that they sort of introduce you to the fact that Twitter accounts can lead to numerous, automated messages aimed at major accounts (from stations your music is airing on in this case).
  • Mov’em Radio
    Web Sitee || Submissions Page
  • Excite Radio
    Web Site || Submission page
    Note: Submissions are to be done by way of social media
  • Radio Outlaw
    Web Site || Submission page
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: I’ve seen this site prominently in web searches and… Well? Dopecausewesaid throws me off simply because of how it looked. “Dope Cause We Said” isn’t bad phrasing, but optics and grammar didn’t hit me right. Useless personal note, that one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    The submission page is also a mite tricksy. A business pitch is prominent after the submission write-up, and so is popularity boasting. Between them is a button to submit your music via a form pop-up.
    So, what about what they’re looking for?
    They take a wide variety of genres – Pop, Hip-Hop, RB, Folk, Rock, etc. They do review music videos as well as music. It’s also worth noting they want submissions that are available online and in embeds, via Spotify, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and others.
    There are plenty of other do’s and don’ts that they talk about, but the most important one for the musician is to submit new music. Nothing older than three (3) months in age. Got it? Good… or should I say Dope, yo.
  • Desert Storm Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Theu don’t discl0se if they are a free-form or j genres of music preference. If it’s on the main page or submission form, I did not see it.
  • Radio Avenue
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Devoted to more underserved genres of music sucj as Blues, Bluegrass, & Folk.
  • Cygnus Music
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Unless I read this wrong, they want file-download URLs (sent via email) AND hard copies sent in? It may pro e to be one-or-the-other, it may not (meaning you must do both).
  • The Funny Music Project
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes:The FuMP: wants pro-quality hilarity submitted. Funny songs are to be MP3sand will be listened to / voted on over two weeks.
  • WIGWAM Radio Online
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Open genre, fans of independent musicians. If they like what is sent to them through their submission form, they’ll play it, Social-media A friend holdsWigWam in high regard fast responses and his music getting regular airplay. Take a listen, take a shot with a submission.
  • Edge Radio
    Web Site || FAQ Page
    Notes: While this is a Downunder station, their multi-genre acceptance and goal to “helping new and emerging artists in Tasmania, Australia and around the world” led me to post their listing on the “General” section. Submissions are accepted physically by mail or digitally by email (with bio info, streaming links, and download links included in your mailing).
  • Eagles Nest Radio Network Network
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: I haven’t gone through the complete submission process, but Eagles Nest piques my interest as it takes submissions of content from the common services online for music Form submission. This was another station referred to me by a friend in music. Give it a shot, tell us how it goes in comments.
  • idobi
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Simple submissions form with the option to submit to a specific show on the station/network. They seem open to all submissions and don’t say a genre. I haven’t had a change o review the site as a listener, but their About page touts the site as “unfiltered” and “hardcore.”
  • Mizfitz Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Submissions are done via email and the MP3s are to be in the high bit rate (320). There’s data you’ll have to include with your submission; you can find all that on the submission page.
  • Fresh on the Net
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: “One “new” track may be submitted. The track must be public on SoundCloud and you will have to provide acce3ss for this site (I don’t mean just a link). You will not be able to submit again for three months…
  •  Trend City Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: While this seems to be a generalized indie music station, make sure you pay attention while dealing with song-submission. No, you don’t have to buy a service to submit music… That “Buy Now” button is for the social media packages they promote
  • Cypher City Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: 30-day rotation. on submissions. They are forward regarding paying royalties. They’ll also post music videos…for a price. They also want album artwork with submissions as well as other ddgzilx.
  • FUNN Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Email submission that comes with the caveat that you must provide the ISRC Codes of the submitted song.
  • Blackberry Radio
    Web Site|| Submissions Page
    Notes: For unsigned acts
  • Let’s Talk About the Music
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Sunlight Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Utilizing form submissions, the site is looking for musical content – all originals – in the genres of, “Gospel, Reggae, Contemporary and  Jazz.”
  • Sensational Songs Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Under the Radar
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Artists can submit a song and fand can suggest an artist. The submission fotm is rather simple, which may lead to email contact.
    Then again, maybe it’s a single song submission and I missed some info? I dunno… Take a chance either way.
  • Khlo Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: In name, I mistook this for a terrestrial station. Nope, ‘net radio. The submission requirements are pretty simple I can’t say if they have a music-genre preference.
  • Bandwagon Network Radio
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: Open to all genres coming from Indie musicians.
  • Bong Music Entertainment
    Web Site || .Submissions Page
    Note: Preference giess to urban Contempo r a ry, Alt/Undie too, vut all genres are accepted.
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Fresh Unsigned
    Web Site ||
    Notes: The submission process isn’t clear – no submission/contact page. There’s a contact form on the home screen… I guess a message may start the ball rolling.
  • Emendy Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Note: A general station covering a variety of genres.
  • Skycast Indies
    Web Site || Submissions POage



  • MiRoc Global
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Music;omled to film can lave a mark deep, With that in mind and with how common movie-making has seemingly become, to be picked up for a soundtrack is not an easy feat, This site presents an avenue for a chance at ur.
  • NACC CHarts
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: The North Americam Vpllege and Community Chart is basically popular music in the public music sector.
  • Music Crowns
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: A music discovery platform, I may be wrong where I’m listing he site – it may be major a-la BN4IA.
  • California Music Chnel
    Web Site || Video Submission Page
    Notes: This listing may change in time, but it’s an aspect of music promotion that isn’t the general focus of this list: Music videos. The subject likely has a wide variety of coverage out there already, but in essence: YouTube and other networks offer playlist options a-la Spotify, with music videos being the focus.CMC is but one example
    GTP upload, License agreements… I don’t read the policy through. I did note CMC has other channels that nullify the idea this is a regional station.
  • MP3s for DJs
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: This one is a reach. I’ve never used it or known of it, and it seems named at labels and the top of the recording industry.
    You’re indie? Congrats, you are your own label.
    Submissions are via email with download links. Files are to be either MP3 at 320kbps or WAV. There’s more regarding how clean/dirty your music is, but I’ll let you read that.
  • Stingray
    www || Contact Page
    Notes: A form that supplies music to stations and stores. Simmons are by email, but no info is given on whar they want in an email.
  • Music Gorilla
    Web Sie || Submissions Page
    Notes: All about getting music used in other media (TV, movies, etc.)
  • Marmoset Music [Agency]
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: This agency was showing up in search engine results as I l0ked for radi9 stations. Open to everything musically — or at least their submission page says. Form submission
  • Girls I Rate
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Posted in “Other” because I didn’t look deep into the site to see if this is radio or blog. What I do know is a submission page is a form and, ladies, this one’s for you.


Jump to: B8g Band SwingBluesChill / Easy Listening Country ♫ ♫Ekectribuca / E.D.M. ♫ FolkHip-Ho JazzMetalPianoRock and RollTropical / Raggae

Big Band / Swing


Chill / Easy Listening

  • Ocean Radio Chill
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Chill Lofi
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: email submissions. They also ogger music video making.
  • Sleep Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Based in New Zealand, looking to sedate with their chill. They even have an app!
  • Sad Chill
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: YouTube channel, not a radio site.
  • jazz Not. rock. Not hip-hop.
  • Calm Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Multiple genres are open to submission here but listening to make sure you fit in is also a wise move. Albums submitted (sent in a download link in an email) must be 320kbps. Also include hi-res album art.
  • See Also: Regional – Southeast


Electronica / E.D.M.


Folk, Roots, and Americana

  • Folk Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Based in the United Kingdom, they urge you to listen before you submit — does your folk music even fit on their station? Submissions of the digital variety are through email and download links, not attachments.
  • Folk Roots Radio
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: Dabblines in the genres of folk, roots, Americana, singer/songwriters, alt. country and blues, this Ontario, Canada-based stream takes download-link submissions via email and hard-copies via mail.
  • Folk Alley
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Nots: Music submissions are to be in the WAV format, and also include relevant info (“liner notes”) in your email.
  • See Also:

Hip-Hop and R&B




Rock and Roll;;

  • Hot Wax Radio
    Web Site || Submission Page
  • Only Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submission page
    Note: Unsigned, independent musicians of the rock, pop (and likely alt/indie) genres.  It’s another station that’s a good starting spot to get airplay.
  • Rarity Rock Radio – Under the Radar Gems
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • Indie Rock Café
    Web Site || Submission page
  • Girls Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Gender-specific – girls only! They have a rambling submission page of do’s and don’t. Ultimately your options to submit music are via upload or by mail.
  • Woody’s Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page*
    Notes: *ABOUT page, with the following submission info[ you need your own research before outreach” For band submissions please check out our DJ’s and email the one you see fit at their Facebook pages or visit them in chat and let them know that you fit their format!
  • Rogue-Rock-Radio.com
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Submit music via the form. You’re also providing download links to your submitted song,
  • Punk Rock Demonstration
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Insane Realm Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They are pushing quality on their submissions page… In essence, don’t send a shit-quality recording. I’m not talking bitrate specifically here, I’m talking audio-recording quality. Your files also have to be properly tagged.
    it’s also notable that the station wants more from an artist, “The more you submit the higher your chances are for getting airplay and the more tunes we have of yours, the higher your chances are of staying in a longer rotation”.
  • Bifchh Street Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Free Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Submissions are to be made through one of several listed third-party submission services.
  • Righteous Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Steady Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Primordial Radio
    Web Site || Submiddiond Page
  • Maximum Rock n’Roll
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Y9ou got o go old-school to rock with MRR: digital music submissions are not accepted. CDs, cassettes, or vinyl copies are the means for exposure through this route.
  • i99 Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Alternative Rock in the genre in the broadcast. You can submit multiple MP3s via form submission
  • Solid Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Rogue Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submissions {ahe
  • See Also: General – Internet Radio,Genre – Tropical,; College – Illinois, Massachusetts
    New Jersey, New York; Regional – No0rtheast, Great Plains & Texas

Tropical / Reggae

Collegiate Radio

Jump to U.S.Canada World

Always r mmebmerL — the Music Director i almost always the person to go to in many cases or music submissions/ At the same time, they’re inundated with a lot of content and contact so getting a response to a submission to them – or any type of contact to them – is doubtful. I say this in part do to media-inquiry non-responses from several schools.

United States



  • WVUA – University of Alabama
    Web Site || Policy Page
  • WEGL- Unibersity of Auburn
    Web Site || Staff Page
    Note Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.s:

  • KSUA – University of Alaska Fairbanks
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes: Only Music Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.
  • Border Radio – Arizona Western College
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Form-submission that wants tthe details (and the Dropbox). No profane content.
  • KAMP Radio – U. of Arizona
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: You are going to do email here It’s not straight, but it’s an avenue to explore.
  • KJACK Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page*
    Notes: Student-run radio of Northern Arizona University. Music submissions are via email or standard mail. Put your best foot forward in the submission process .
  • KHDX – Hendrix College
    Web Site || Contact Page


  • KXUA 88.3 FM – The eclectic destination of the Ozarks. (U. of Arkansas)
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    High preference for physical copies, but digital copies are permitted (via download links sent in email)
  • “Arkansas Roots” on ASU – Arkansas State University
    Web Site ||



  • KSR – San Diego State
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Note: The process is different for other collegiate stations. This one is different as they want everything digitally.
    It’s San Diego State University and this submission page isn’t a form as-so-much telling you how they operate and giving you an email address to send music to (and the criteria it should follow)
  • KCR – San Diego State
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Another SDSU station option…
  • Fresno State Radio 90.7 FM KFSR
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: I was thrown off with how I initially read the Contact page and latched on to “Submissions”. Staff with the station cleared things up by pointing me to the station’s FAQ page. You can email the station OR the listed genre director on the contact pag
  • KZSU – Stanford Unibersity
    Web Site || Submissions )age
  • KSJS – San Jose State
    Web Site || Submission Page
  • KSSU – Saceamento State University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Sacramento State’s student-run, free-
    form station. Physical or email submissions are accepted.
  • KSPC – Pomona College
    Web Site || Submissions Pate
    Notes: East of LA, the community station takes download links or direct file attachments in email submissions.
  • KALX – University of California-Berkley
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: You’re emailing thw music directors here. Don’t send files. Download links are likely the way to go. The contact page shows the station is inundated with music being sent to everyone. Be careful and wise.
  • KDHR * California State University, Dominguez Hills
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • KPoet Radio- Whittier College
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KWDC – Delta College Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KSFS – San Francisco State
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Note: They prefer you email them links to your music. I don’t mean download oinks, I mean streaming olinks like Yo9uTube, Reverb Nation, etc.
  • KCSB – U. of California, Santa Barbara
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • KUCI – University of California, Irvine
    Web Site || Cpmyact Page
    Notes:   Intimidating; you need to call the music director to submit music.
  • KXSCC -University of Southern California
    Web Site || Submission Pag
    Notes: Commonly found in search engine results,  this University of Southern California station is a central location for artists and labels to submit music. The station accepts submissions by mail or email. It also notes contacting program directors with submissions may be something to consider.
  • KZSC – U. of California Santa Cruz
    Web Site0 || Contact Page
    Notes: Mail it in to the prper music director.

  • Web Site || Submissions )age
  • Mile High Underground
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Note: In Denver, Colorado. The submissions are in an email but the submission page will tell you what the deal is (the email to contact is at the top of the page).
  • Radio 1190 – University of Colorado Boulder
    Web || Submisssions Page
  • KVNF – Fort Lewis College
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Community / College station in Fort Hood. It is also only a Music Director listing with a music submissions reference.


  • WCNI Radio 90.9 FM – Connecticut College, New London
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Accepting submissions? Yes. Music file submissions? No. You have to send CDs or vinul.
  • WESU – Wesletan University
    Web Site || Contact Page


  • WVUD – University of Delaware
    vWeb Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Only Music Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.
  • WVFS – Florida State University
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. While they accept digital submissions (via email, while including links to stream-sources of music and download links), they prefer physical copies of music (CDs or vinyl). They’re an album-orientated station and use physical catalog stuff (meaning if you digitally submit, they’ll have to burn a CD if your tunes are accepted)
  • EVUM – University of Miiami
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: There is no info disclosed on music submissions. It was a tweet that ;;ed me to listing the station. Submissions to WVUM follow the college default send-to-music-director.The tweet encoutaged locals to disclose that in their email subject line.
  • GHQ.fm – Unibersity of Florida
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: A campus and regional station in north central Florida. Gorm submission is in place.
  • The WIKD 102.5 FM – Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Form submission with requested links. They also accept tangible submissions by mail. Thie fact this is a tourist region  adds weight to potential airplay.
  • WUCF – University of Central Florida
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: I may have 5his wrong, but WUCF appears to be a Jazz station when it comes to music. As for submissions: CDs by mail. There is no true submissions page, but this submit info was on the station’s staff directory page:
    If you are a musician or a music promoter, please send all submissions to:
    Attn: Music Director
    12461 Research Parkway
    Suite 550
    Orlando, FL 32826
  • WPRK 91.5 FM — Rollins College
    Web Site || Contacts Page
    Notes: I feel horrible that I forgot Rollins College. I kvetched about a lack of music submission channels in the Orlando area and even said I had to look into schools. I’d been exposed to Rolins through TV new while growing up, and always tied to music.
    Open to all music genres, submissions are to be done physically by mail. They do not say what objects hwy accept (CD, vinyl, flash-drive, cassette) omo angles are available too (see the contact page – linked as “Submissions page” – above).
  • PanthersNOW – Florida International University
    Web Site || Submissions Page9
    Notes: Based in the Miami area, all submissions are to be emailed to generalmanager[at]fiusm.com. I post the email addy because it isn’t up-front on the contact/submissions page.
  • WUTT Xpartan Radio – University of Tampa
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: While submissions are tken thru email, no guidelines are olisted. The Music Director is also listed on the Team page but they did not respond when contacted for info.
  • Spinnaker Radio- University of North Florida
    Web Site || Staff Page
    Mpyes: No info on music submissions are on the page, only music direcror email address.


  • WUOG – University of Georgia||
    Web Site || About Page
  • Owl Radio
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: Kennesaw State University’s student-run radio operation in Georgia. Owl Radio wasn’t coming up prominently in college radio searches…it appeared later on in general stream sites. It’s also a pretty straightforward, form-field submission page that is akin to generalized stream sites. That fact is highly notable as other colleges have avoided such things because of how many submissions they see.
    I don’t know if there is a preference for will-perform-live acts (local/regional performers), but they do inquire about this on the submission page.
  • WREK – Georgia Tech
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: The station gives preference to music on CDs or LPs (vinyl). They will take digital submissions but solid-submissions are preferred. Digital submissions are through email.
  • Album 88
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Georgia State student-run radio station.. New music and hard-copy mail-in mandate.
  • The WOLF Internet Radio
    Web Site || Submiddiond Page
    Notes: Email submissions, but the University of Western Georgia’s student-run station confused me with phrasing. They ake submissions from “local and unsigned” acts. Should this be read as local artists and generally unsigned acts, or local, unsigned acte of Georgia? Inquiring minds want to know.
  • SCAD Radio – Savannah CCollege of Art and Design
    Web Site || Submissiions Page
    Notes: They accep0t submissions in physical or digital form. Digital submissions are by way of emailing download links.


  • KTUH– University of Hawaii
    Web Site || Directors Page
    Notes: Only Music Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.



  • KUOI – Unibersity of Idaho
    Web Site || Subniss Pageions
  • Idaho Music – Boise St. Public Radio- Boise State University
    Web Sites ||
    Notes: N9 submissi9n inf0 besi8des mail/email addresses.
  • Radio DePal – DePaul Universityl
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: This isn’t a submissions page” like most others with an extensive write-up tied to mailing or form information, this is just a contact form which takes attachments. It came up on generic search results for submissions pages so…
    Put your best foot forward when submitting — if you don’t paste bio info in the form, tell them that you’re willing to share info upon request.
  • WXAV Radio – Saint Xavier University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Accepting submissions from “local and independent artists”… So, is that locals-only (Chicagoland area)or indie artisrs in general? WXAV told me it’s in general, all indie artists. Submissions are to be .WAV files.
  • WIMU – Millikin university
    Web Site ||
    Notes: A mailing address and a contact name/email are the only info provide
  • WMXM – Lake Forest
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • WSIE – Southern Illinois University East
    Web Site || Contact Page


  • WSND – University of Mpire Dame
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: This is for what is dubbed as Streaming episode 247 (is the follow-up e#365?). Rhe station itself is listed as Alt/Indie in genre, you should confirm before making a move..
  • WIUX – University of Indoama
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: You are to make sibmissons to the music director, amd the door is left open on how and what to submit.
  • WGRE – DePauw University
    Web Site || Nusic Page
    Notes: Only submission info disclosed is a mailing addy. Physical copies, mmm’kay?long as you mail in the submission and i
  • WCCR- University of Purdue
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Accepting physical copirs in the mail.





  • wrfl. – University of Kentucky
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Multiple music directors are listed here – general, library, local – with only the local director calling for submissions. That does not limit who can submit music;. Non-locals should tarfet the general music director for airplay.
  • Rev0olution 92.7 fm – Western Kentucky U.A46
    Web Site || Contact Page


  • KLSU 91.1 SM
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes: LSU’s student-run radio station. The “submissions page” points to their Facebook page, where only an email address will be found. Do yourself a favor and research the station before deciding to submit. You may also want to try contacting the music director.
  • WTUL – Tulane University
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • DXSR Dolphin Radio -Delgado Community College, New Orleans
    Web Site || Submissions Page



  • WRBC – Bates College
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes:: You’re mailing submissions. They don’t say CD/Vinyl/Flash Drive, You could call their office to check th


  • WMUA 91.1 FM – University of Massachusetts
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Fair warning – this comes off rather blank. Yes, UMASW radio accepts music submissions (via email and standard mail). This pafge focuses on acce3ss to the Music Di3cdtor and does not list benchmarks to have with submissions.
    It’s a shot-in-the-dark. follow standards sett on other submission pages on other stations – add info in your email, make yourself accessible. It’s still a shot-in-the-dark, though…
  • WTBU – Boston University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Only Music Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.
  • WZBC – Boston Cp;;eg
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes:No submission ingo is directly available except contact info for music directors…ROCL music directors
  • WUMB – University of Massachusetts-Boston
    Web Site|| Info Page
  • WBRS – Brandeis University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • WSKB – Westfield State University
    Web Site || Faculty Page
  • Wildrfm – University of Western Michigan
    Web Site || About Page
  • WAAYN – Wayne State Universiy
    Web /Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Detroit, Michigan area school. The submission page is actually their contact page, They encourage “clean” submissions via email. Put your best foot forward here with the submission — include info on yourself, download and streaming links, and make sure it’s a high-quality song in a high bitrate file
  • Radio K
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Like KXSC and The Owl, Radio K has shown up pretty prominent on search engine results for general streaming/submission options. The station is a student-run organization at the University of Minnesota. They play music of the past and present, which is great for the listener but a challenge NEWfor the submitter.KUMM – Universirt 9f Jinnwsota-Morris
    Weh Site ||Contact Page
    Like many college stations, they take physical copies (CDs) of music. but also take digital copies (in .zip files, posted to a file-sharing site). It’s also relevant – and this goes for more than just this station – that they ask you to review their music (posted in playlists). If you stuff rits in with what they post, it should be a green-light for you to submit content.
  • KVSC – Saint Cloud State University
    Web Site || Submissions Page


  • Real Radio – The Voice Ole Miss
    web Site || Submissions Pate
    Notes: “Submissions Page” has a URL for a Google Docs page, you are to submit content through that


  • KCOU – University of Missouri
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • The U: UMSL Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Digital submissions are to include a press release in PDFftorm. While they’re open to submissions from all artists, the PR-in-PDF might be taken as intimidating for a more casual artist. It’s a chore, but it’s worth doing (having a press release).
  • KSLU “}Myc Check ” – St. Louis University
    Web Site ||
    Botes: Gip-hop/R&B are welcome submissions, but iy seems you mail it in.
  • KDRU – Drury University
    Web Site ||
    Notes:Music submissions are simply an email link. Put your best foot forward.


  • KBGA – University of Montana
    Web Site || Su About Page
    Notes: You can only email the music director at the disclosed email address. No other info is clear.


  • KZUM – University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes:  Accepting music “of all kinds” though the majority of their airplay is generally blues, Americana/folk/bluegrass, country, jazz, rock, and world music, “but with a little of everything sprinkled in.”
  • KRNU – University of Nebraska
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Contact the Music Director.

New Hampshire

New Jersey

  • WSOU – Seton Hall University
    Web site || Requests Pafe
    Notes: “Requests page” is a fitting place for submission info… You are requesting airplay. Jus’ Sayin’. 🙂
    Anyway, thw station asks for CDs firstly, but will take digital submissions. In both cases, send song lyrics too.
  • Radio Rutgers
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • WMSC- Montclair State University
    Web Sit0e || Contact Page
    Notes: They say it outright: They are an alternative Rock station. Submissions can go by way of fioe sharing links via email.
New Mexico
  • KUNM – University of New Mexico
    Web Site || About Page
    Simply put, you must contact the Music Director.

North Dakota

  • KNDS Radio – North Dakota State University
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes: Only the Music Director’s contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy.

New York

  • WHCR – The City College of New York
    Wen Site || Submissions Page
    Notes Submissions are ultimate via email (or US Mail), but you have to find the right show first. The genres of the station are more urban – Hip-Hop/Soul/Funk/R&B/Jazz – with pop and World Music sprinkled in.
  • WNYU
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Accepting CDs, vinyl, cassettes(!), and digital submissions. Not in-person submissions. You need to contact WNYU’s Music Director regarding digital and cassette submissions, The Music Director’s contact info is on the WNYU Staff page.
  • WRHU Radio Hofstra University
    Web Site || Suhmissions Page
    Notes: Situated within the Cutt That Never Sleeps… The audience is not going to be just college school kids.
    They do not accept digital submissions. The reason I list them – as this CD-or-Vinyl-Only aspect is not a quick-solution 00 is the weight of the location and potential audience.
  • WCWP Public Radio – Long Island University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: “Public Radio that Rocks“, the station says its sound is diverse, adult-appealing,m and is on the fringe of mainstream pop and rock. Submissions are via download links or mailed-in CDs.
  • WUSB – Stony Brook University
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • WVBR – Cornell U.
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Submissions aare thru a song request form,
  • VIV Radio – Ithica College
    Web Site || Cobtact Page
  • WGSU – SUNY Geneseo
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • WSBU – St. Bonaventure University
    Web Site || Contact Page

North Carolina
  • WXDU – Duke University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: While the contact page will provide a multitude of contacts tied to music with the stusdent-run station, they want emailed-in music. If you’re up for that task, here’s the mailing address:

    WXDU 88.7 FM
    PO Box 90689 
    Duke Station 
    Durham, NC 27708
  • Wake Radio
    Web Site ||
    NotesSubmit via enail mentioned on the main page.
  • WXYC Chapel Hill – University of North Carolina
    Web Site || FAQ Page
    Notes Open to all genres,, signed or unsigned, local, national, or international. The catch is that submissions must be physical – CDs or LPs.
  • WASU – Appalachia State University
    Web Site || FAQ Page
    Notes:Digital submissions taken via email.
  • WWCU – Western Carolina University
    Web Site || Submissions Page


  • Black Squirrel Radio – Kent State University
    Eb Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: I’ve sought music submission info from Black Squirrel Radio for a yea4. Today [5.19.21] I find a submission form. They want original content.
  • Ohio Wesleyan Internet Radio
    Web Site || Sub\Contact Page
    Notes:For music submissions, please contact the Program Director and/or Music Director. ?
  • WNUW0000000000 Scope Radop – Northwestern University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Hio-hop is there thing, make sure you follow the rules with what you submit.
  • WJCU – Joohn Carroll University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes Cleveland based; music submissions are through YouTube…?
  • WXCU Radio – Capital University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Private school in Columbus. There is no stated submission policy, but a mailing address is provided for physical music submissions and the Music Director’s email address is on the page0
  • WRDL – Ashland University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes:Inquire by phone r email about submissions.
  • KXZY – Oklahoma State University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: They give submission-by-mail priority on the page but enf t with the note digital submission are accepted thru the music director.


es: Digital submissions via email… They’re environmentalists. I dig it. ???
  • The Lion — `tate
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Albright Collegr Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • WHIP – Temple University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They outright preach their need for quality. I’m not just talking good music but lossless audio files or high bit-rate MP3s. Don’t send vulgar music.
  • WIRH – Lafayette College
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Disc Jockeys make the call on airplay; The Music Director is who you should submit to, but know/contact a DJ who might play the song.
  • WUSR, 99.5 FM – University of Scranton
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • WCLH -Wilkes University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Yoou’l find music submission contact info on the right side of the contact page.
  • WPPJ – Point Park University
    Wev Site || Submissions Page
  • WIXQ – Millersville Universityy
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Da Cave Radio – WDKU Drexel University
    Web Site ||
    Notes: An overnight program, once-a-week. Submissions are :via email but nothing else is said.
  • Hear, Hear Rddio Radio – Drexel University
    Web Site ||
    Notes “[…] mostly folk, rock, pop, and electromib”. Sun,omissions are via email.

Rhode Island

  • WRIU
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: You are appealing directly to a disc jockey here, with a multitude of genres represented. Digital submission criteria is not listed more than that, so put your best foot forward (download links, nio info, etc(.


South Carolina

  • Wsbf – University of Clemson
    Web Site || Contact Pahg
    Notes: Only Music Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.
South Dakota


  • WTSR TSU Radio – Tennessee State University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • WYXR -b University of Memphis
    Web Site || FAQ Page ||
  • WRVU – Vanderbilt University
    web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Only Music Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.


  • KUTX – University of Texas
    Web Site | Submissions Page
  • KVRX – University of Texas
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: :”None of the hits, all of the time!” Ooooh, I like’em already! Outright they state limitations on submissions due to COVID-19: No Singles, EPsm, or physical copies. I believe you are emailing the Music Departmentm but it nay be another.
  • KTSW – Texas State
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They want harf copies – CD ore vinyl – mailed to them.
  • Vibe Houston – Texas State University
    Web Site || Submissions  Page
    Notes: Hip-hop, R&B, and neo-soul.
  • Radio UTD – Unibersity of Texas at Dallas
    Web Site || Sub,issions  Page
  • KNTU 88.1 The Onee
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: It’s a one-hour radio show on a college radio station, but it is locals-only in the north Texas/southern Oklahoma region. Open to all genres of music, submissions are via email.

  • Aggie Radio Uth State University
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Only Music Director contact information is provided jere and no music submission guidelines or policy. Put your best foot forward with any submission.


  • WWPV – Saint Michael’s college
    Web Site || Submissi
  • George Mason University – WGMU
    Web Site || Submission page
  • WTJU – University of Virginia
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • WUVTT – Virginia Tech
    Web Site || Staff Page
    Notes: Physical submissions only. I liink to the staff page for music director reference. Their addy is linked there too.
  • WODU – Old Dominion Univesity
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They want physical copies of digital files — USB Flash Drives – given to them.
  • WNSB – Norfolk State
    Web Site ||
  • WRKE – Roanoke College.
    Web Site || Contact Pafe
    Notes: No info on submissions, just an email listing. Research the station.

Aeis to be a physical-submissions thing.

  • KAOS Radio – Evergreen State College
    Wen Site || Submission Page
    Note s: Based in Olympia, they prefer physical submissions but……. Obviously they know that’s not in the cards as much these days as they have a submission form. The musical selection is up to their DJs, so while “anything goes” you might want a listen to see if your stuff will fit.
  • KBCS – Bellevue College
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Accepting a multitude of genres, full-length CD submissions are the preference, but MPP3s via email are accepted too. All submissions need to include a tracklist with explicit-lyric songs noted.
  • KEXP – Where the Music Matters
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Very long write-up; it’s a  blog-like post. Sit back, relax, learn some about KEXP – linked  to the University of Washington and based in Seattle – and the submission process. The station gets inundated with promo content and music, making it a challenge for the musicians to gain airplay. Streaming or download-link submissions are open as is tangible media submissions (CDs/Vinyl).
  • KUGS – Western Washington University
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes:I encpourage listens/time investment in the station before deciding top submit. Music submission is via email, listed atop the “About” page.

Washington D.C.

  • WGTB Georgetown Radio
    Web Site || SuAbout Page
    Send them to our offices in the Leavey Center and if you want, email the music director as well. Here’s the address:
    Attn: Music Directors, WGTB
    432 Leavey Center, Georgetown University
    Washington, DC 20057
  • .WRGW District Radio
    Web Site || About Page
    Note: George Washington University’s student-run station that runs 18 hours a day. Submission info is not elaborated on more than this on the “About” page:
    or digital submissions, please email music[at]gwradio.com. For hard copies, drop them off or mail them in to:

West Virginia


  • WSUM – University of Wisconsin
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Only accepting pre-approved physical submissions. You gotta email/call and get a green-light to submit. That’s intimidating.
  • WMSE – Milwaukee School of Engineering
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They want physical copies – CD, vynal, cassette – mailed in or handed in but digital is also taken via WeTransfer.


  • KUWR- University of W#yoming
    Web Site || Submissions page
    Notes: Wyoming Public Radio.It seAeis to be a physical-submissions thing.


Note: These arw community stations tied to colleges for the most part.


  • Cjsr – University of Alberta – Edmonton
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • CJSW – University of Calgary
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Based in Calgary, Alberta, the station is now only accepting digital submissions (yay!) unless you are a “local” act (Calgary and I would assume other southern Alberta), they encourage physical as well as digital from locals.
    Here’s the thing: No singles. Albums and EPs of four tracks or more are preferred for on-air consideration. I may have read this wrong but I think they want both download (Dropbox) links and streaming links to go along with other data in submission emails. Check the page for more info. Submissions are via email.
  • CKXU – University of Lethbridge
    Web Site || Submissions Page

British Columbia

  • CITR – University of British Columbia
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: The station is in Vancouver, B.C. on the west coast of Canada. While the submissions-page link I used is for music, their official page points to a multitude of promotional options.
    They state a preference for physical copies of music — and no CD Singles — but will accept digital submissions. They’re picky about what they want — 320kbps MP2s, at least four tracks in a submission, and inro…lots of info.
    They also truly come off like college radio as they have a preference for local acts. It doesn’t mean this is a locals-only situation, but it does mean this is an opportunity for musicians in Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest. ..
  • CHLY – VHLY – Vancouver Island University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • CJSF – Simon Fraser University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • CHMA – Mount Allison University
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes: An email for music submissions is listed, nothing more.
New Brunswick
  • CHSR Fredericton
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • CHMA – Mount Allison University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: The good news is that this college/community station is open to all genres of music,has a Top 31 chart of submitted msic, and their library is open to the community. The bad news is: CD submissions only, no MP3 file submissions.
Nova Scotia
  • CKDJ – Algonquin College., Ottawa
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • CKCU – Carleton University
    Web Soye || Contact Page
    Notes: Taking digital or physical copies.
  • Radio Laurier
    Web site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Wilfrid Laurier University campus radio up in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. They accept radio-friendly submissions of either music singles, Eps, or full albums. They also want info about the band/artist who is submitting, so be prepared with your details when you submit content. 
  • CJAM – University of Windsor
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: A border-area station in Ontario that is also picked up in Detroit. There’s a guideline article about content submitted. There’s also the stated fac they aren’t keen on digital submissions.
  • CIUT – University of Toronto
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Submission info shows up on search engine results for tje Contact Page but not on the page I post it here:

    To submit your music for airplay electronically please send to ciutmusicdepartment@gmail.omc
  • CFRC – Queen’s University
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • Radio Western – Western Ontario University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Digital file submissions are a no-no; they want CDs.
  • CFRC – Queen’s University
    Web Site||Contact Page
  • LU Radio – Lakehead University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • CFUV – University of Victoria
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Radio – – Humber College
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Music submission go through another page that is linked Contact Page to on the Contact }age.
  • CFMU – McMaster University
    Web Site || Resource Page
  • CFRC – Queen’s University
    Web Site || Contact Page
  • CFRU – University of Guelph
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: They want full EP/album sin,emissions, not single songs.
  • CHUO – University Of Ottawa
    Web Ste || Submissions Page

Prince Edward Island

  • CJLO – Concordia University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Accepting digital and physical submissions of all genres, just make sure your contact is the appropriate director and that person alone.
  • CKT- McGill University
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • CJTR – University of Regina
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: I am not marking this “Locals Only”, but the say locals and Canadians are preferred.

Turks and Caicos



  • Bermuda Coloege Radio
    Web Site ||
  • Wired FM – Limerick Institute of Technology
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Based in Ireland; and open to all music genres.
New Zealand
  • Flirt.FM – National University of Ireland
    Web Site || Info Page
    Notes: No info on submizzions, just the “Music Submissions” selection on the contact for,.
South Africa

Regional Streams/Stations

Asia AustraliaEuropeBirth AmericaSoyth Africa

While these stations denote locations, and regions, it remains vital in general to gain airplay and exposure. Explore submissions everywhere.

Most stations listed are terrestrial — traditional radio broadcasts — while some are ‘net-based \.Cities are posted in regions if they have 3 or more listings.

North America

Regopms: Northeast southeast MidwestGreat PlainsMountainsWest
Cities: AtlantaBostonChicagoDallasDenver IndianapolisKansas CityLos AngelesNashvilleNew York CityPhiladelphiaSan FranciscoSeattleTampa Bay


  • DC Radio
    Web Site || Subisaszons Page
  • Smooth Jazz DC
    Web site ||
    Notes: Email submissions; the address is on the home page.
  • WHCP
    Web Site || Submission page
    Notes: One of the early station listings, I need to review submissions again and better update this review.
    A Baltimore-based community station. I don’t know if they’re only accepting music from a local artist). With how prominent the station is online, I don’t think it’s just “locals”.
    Submitting to the station is more of a process simply because you must find the proper show/deejay to submit your music to.
    Unrelated to WHCP: Community broadcast stations (NPR affiliates) are also all over the United States. Some are locals-only, some will only take CD submissions. 
  • Power1047.com
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Hip Hop and R&B in Baltimore.


  • WPRB 103.3 FM Princeton, NJ
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They don’t accept digital submissions; you can call or email the music director but don’t just send music files! Open to multiple genres, look into the station to see if you’d fit somewhere.
  • WFMU – Jersey City
    Web Site || Submissions Page

New York City

  • NYC House Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: You need to register to submit music. I didn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    That’s not a wrong, it just leaves you unable to see what they are looking for outright from submissions.
  • Brooklynn Radio
    Web Site ||Submissions Page
    Notes: Submissions are via email. The notable submissions aspect is their request for a promo photo.
  • Radio Free Brooklyn
    Web Sites || Submission page
  • The Peak WXPK 107.1 FM – New York
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They’re looking for original artists with “roots in New York’s backyard”. Consider that statewide and, not city-only. While it’s a  form submission proves, they don’t say much more than wanting original bands.
  • At-CosrWNYR – The Rock og Manhattan
    Web Site ||
    Notes: While it’s great to find a station in the City that Never Sleeps taking rock submissions, it comes at-cost. Seeing as the station resides in the media capital of .the world it is justified.
  • See Also: College – New York
  • WVKR – Poukipsie, NY
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: While you will have to submit by email or standard mail, submissions must be sent to Music Directors or the appropriate musical genre director. Check the submission page for all the contact info. Some of the genres: Classical, Electronica, Folk, Hip-Hop, Metal/Hard Core, and New Age.
  • At-CosrUpstate All-Starz
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Upstate New York.
  • WICB – Ithica, NY
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Accepting submission in rock, hip-hop, jazz, and local.


  • Boston Emissions
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • WERS Boston
    Web Site || Submission page
    Notes: While I haven’t submitted music to the station before, I have had another indie music contact do it. The music did not have to be a new release.
  • Boston Rock Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes:  Highlighting “emerging” artists/bands who are local (Boston, Massachusetts region), “national”, or mainstream – I quote national because I see this as US-indie rockers and not indie-in-general. One song – properly tagged and current – is to be submitted through the on-page form.
  • WBCA 102.9 FM
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Part of the Boston Neighborhood Network, the station is open to just about all music genres… As long as you are a Bostonian.
  • 92.5 The River – Homegrown Music Showcase
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Oh, Hello Boston
    Web Site || Submissioms Page
  • See Also: College – Massachusetts
  • 23 Moose – Augusta, Maine
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Generation NextRadio on The Rock 94.9 FM – Oshawa, Ont.
    Web Site|| Submissions Page
    Notes: “Generation Next Radio” airs multiple times a week on the station, and a live event show also happens… which you could be invited to. The submissions page doesn’t say if they take content from only certain genres or locations. It does say that they want a press kit link in your form submission.



  • 94.7 The Link – Atlanta’s Party Station
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • V-1033 – The People’s Station
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes Hi[-hop. R&B, and a straight forward email submission.
  • WJZA 101.1 FM Smooth Jazz
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • On Blast Radi Arlanta
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: A PR station? That’s what it feels like… Free submissions unless you want airplay for sure… Then\n it’ll cost $5.
  • Hot 107.9 – Hotspot Atlanta
    Web Site || Sbmions Page
  • See Also: College – Georgia
  • Cool Jazz Florida
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Magic 101.3 – Gainsville
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • 104.5 The Beat. Orlando
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Hip-Hop/R&B
  • 107 WBRR – Orpamf[
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Bpyes: Actove rock and metal.
  • Chill Lounge Florida`
    Web Site ||
    Notes: They aertrn’t up-front on submissions except disclosing means of contact, so I dropped them a line, and here’s relevant info on submissions:
    They are open to submissions from all music genre for review, with no restriction on age of the songs (it does not have to be new music) Digital submissions should be MP3s with a high bitrate. Files should have Artist – Song Name in the file title and all metadata within it.
    In my listening experience, the music is primaril yinstramental, dance/EDM, and Electronica, with the occasional Jazz number and other genres sprinkled in. If you are a folk, rock, country, RnB, or even just a piano player and have a chill/easy listening instrumental in your library, that may be your best chance for airplay You’re not restricted (instrumentals only? no) but this is a tough nut to crack.
  • DaOne Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Urban Contemporary station in the Miami area. Physical submissions only, you are prompted to call for submission criteria. You also have to fill out a form they’ll provide.
  • Smooth Jazz Florida
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: You’ll need to do more research with this site as only contact info is pro died on their submissions page

Tanoa Bay

  • WMNF | Community Conscious Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: The proverbial creme de la creme of radio stations in the Tampa Bay metroplex for music. Posting a listing comes late as I didn’t find the submissions page sooner.
    The submission page highlights local artist content submissions, but the door is open for artists in general to submit music. WMNF let me know that:

    You can submit it to the music department, but also check out the schedule and shows, and submit it straight to the different programmers. We get a ton of music that way. Thanks
  • Music Tampa Bay
    Web Site ||
    Note:  This is a non-profit streaming/terrestrial station in the St. Petersburg, Florida area that takes music submissions from artists of west-central Florida (and central Florida). There is no submission page, things are handled through email; you’ll have to hunt on the site for proper contact.
  • Radio St Pete / Sunshine 96.7 Fm
    Web Site || About Page
  • 97X – Local Motion”
    We Site || Submissions Page
    0Notes: Tama By-based musicians, this is another for you. Thy play it up as A0pp-based. I eon’ know if his leads 5o any on-ar airplay on the tra0ditional broadcast station.
  • WURK 96.3 FM Tampa
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: WURK changed operations this fall (2021) and is taking submissionsdigitally (MP3 via email.)
  • WZIG 104.1 LP FM Palm Karbor
    Web Site ||
    Notes:” Happy and upbeat music” with not much else said.
  • Waves of the Bay
    Web Site ||
    Notes: Hip-Hop, R&B, and raggae.
  • Smooth JazzTampa
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • See Also: College – Florida,
  • Radio Memphis
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: I could be wrong but the site appears locals-only. It’s open to all genres. The submission guidelines don’t say anything regarding digital submissions – just an email address.


  • Lightning 100 – Nashville
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • It Feels Good Radio | WIFG-DB Nashville
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Urban/Adult Contemporary in nature with listed genre ideals of “Jazz, R&B, Gospel, Soul Classics, Neo-Soul, Caribbean, Blues, Motown and Tasteful Hip-Hop.” You can submit a track or two (radio-friendly onea) via email or by standard mail, but heed their instructions for music labeling.
  • RadioSoBro
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Twisting “Locals only”, it you are from Nashville or recorded in Nashbille, you are encouraged to submit (all music genres).
  • WXNA
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes: This station is an extension of WRVU – Vandy’s student radio – controlled by those related or friends-of those running WRVU.
    The stattion is freeform…but only taking mailed-in Physical; submissions.
  • See Also:

Great Lakes / Midwest

  • Indie88
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Toronto-based, this is Canada’s big-time indie station. It also has high-exposure levels when it comes to web searches for music submission pages, so keep that in mind; lots o submission you will be competing with.
    Submissions are via email – you send music links and tell them about your tunes. They do not say
    which services they prefer or if they want to download links. You should put your best foot forward with submissions — send a bio as well as a musical description.
    Notes: Via the station FAQ page: G98. 7 is delivering the first-ever Urban Adult
  • WYEP – Pittsburgh
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • WFPK 91.9 Louisville
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Now, I haven’t reviewed the site in full to see if they take submissions on other shows, but in this instance? They want to hear from local acts in the Louisville, Kentucky area.
  • River Radio – 104.9 the River
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: This one caught my attention as it’s locals-only in the Columbus, Ohio area and its class of music is Adult Contemporary? You don’t see local-only going that route often.
    Submitted files are to b in the .WAV format.
  • North Coast Underground
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Cleveland/great lakes area. It seems an email/form submission combo (fill the form, send the files). It’s also original music alone; don’t submit covers!
  • Real 0106.1 – Cleveland
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Hip-hop / R&B for a show called “Homegrown”.
  • VomcyMusoc
    Wev Site || Submissions Page
  • DetroitRap.com
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: I did not go deep through the site to see if this is locals-only or if the location name is just for name sake. They take more than music in submissions though., Submissions of songs, videos, photos, events, or other content is done by way of a form.


  • WNOU – RaduoNOW 100.9 Indianapolis
    Web S0ite || Submissions Page
    Motes: Po music station taking hard-copy submissions by mail.
  • WQRT-LP Indianapolis
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They may accept wider submissions but in the instance, I crossed — it stresses the local element. This exposure won’t pay you back via royalties, but it gets you out there.\
  • Indy Underground | WTTS
    Web Site & Submission Info ||
    Notes: Mail in your music and a signed waiver to be heard on the weekly show.
  • See Also


  • Radio One Chicago
    Web Site |Submissions Page
  • Power 92.3 WPWX
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: An Urban Contemporary station in the Chicagoland area, the station uses a form submission tool on their site with little info otherwise. Best foot forwarded with the info you provide, file quality, and the song itself.
    Web Site || Submission page
    Note: While I have not submitted to the station or done a more immaculate review, it is very much worth noting this is in the Chicagoland area on a terrestrial signal as well as online.
  • WSRB
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • See Also: College – Illinois
  • 88Nine Milwaukee
    Web Site || Submission page
    Notes: To compliment CHIRP, this station is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. While the station takes submissions from anywhere, they also stress they’ll give at least one play an hour to local talent.
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: While searching for stations in multiple cities and regions the past few months WORT had a habit of popping up prominently in the results. Madison, Wisconsin isn’t in the Rocky Mountains, deep South, Northeast or on the Pacific coast now is it?
    The station will take digital submissions by email but they prefer CDs. Unlike other terrestrial stations taking submissions, they will accept songs that need to air after 10 PM (read: foul content/language).
  • KZ88 – Cabool, MO
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    In the Ozarks in southern Missouri, the community station is accepting physical and digital submissions. Oddly, the link-for-download is listed as the slowest submission avenue to use.
  • Hot 103 Jamz
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Hio-hop, RnB, and Urban Contemporary in K.C.

Great Plains & Texas

  • Flin Flon Online
    eb Soyr || Submissions Pahe
  • Notes:
  • Prairie Publice – Jome Grown”” Series
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Broadcasting to 19 stations from two studios in North Daajita. While I list the station, I haven’t reviewed shows or found clear submission policies besides the facto you submit to specific shows.
  • The Current – Minnesota Public Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    • Carbon Soubd
      Web Ste || Submission Page
      Notes: Part of The Current. All genres are free to submit via form or by mailing hard copies.
  • KFAI – Minneapolis
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: They want hard copies 0f content mailed in.
  • KMOJ- Minneapolis Community Radio
    Web Site ||
  • 93xLoud & Local (Minnesota)
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: An hour-long Sunday night program that highlights musical artists and groups from Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. Form submission
  • .KRUI – Iowa City
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: While they sa they’ll take any and all music submissions from any and all sources (labels, indie, kids fooling around) they only take tangible content through the mail with CDs and vinyl preferred.
  • Radio NB
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes:  Texan radio station. “Americana”, but the only submission page information is an email address. They prefer physical CDs mailed in, but digital submissions are accepted (MP3 or WAV)

Kansas City

  • 90.9 The Bridge
    Web Site || Syvnussions Page
    Notes: Posted NIY submissions form is not working and locals-only is not confirmed.
  • KKFIL Kansas City
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: “New Music Submissions” by way of download-file or physc al submission, and can also play into acceptance or failure.
  • Hot 103 Jamz!
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Urnam cobtemporary.
  • See Also:
  • KJHK The Sound Alternative
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Texas Country Music Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Texas Rock Station
    Wen Site ||
    Notes: Send in original tunes in MP3 format.
  • The Core 94! – Houston
    ||Notes: || Submissions Pahe
  • 97.9 The Box – Houston,
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: Houston, Louisiana and Mississippi region artists and performers.. Criteria must be met and other standards apply to be considered for airplay. It’s the music business at work…

Dallas / Fort Worth0

  • Sun Radio
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: Lnce listed as locals-only, “Sound of our Town”, it is now an open-submission listing.
    Submissions are to be done via emaiil with download links provided.
  • KDRT 95.7 FM – Davin
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes: An email addy is provided….without any other guidelines or rules.
  • Rock 92.7 Corpus Christi “Loud and Local”
    Wbe Site || Submissions Page


  • CKUA – Radio Alberta
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: My tendency is to post collegiate, community radio in the College Radio section. CKUA is the head of an entire network of stations throughout the province of Alberta. That’s a wide opporunity for airplay.
  • Big E Radio – Edmonton, AB
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • The Colordo Sound
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Note: Indie music highlighting.Submit high bitrate files – 320kbps or above – via email.


  • KUHS Denver
    Web Site || about Page
    Notes: They take submissions by snail-mail or email. The catch is that you include the name of the radio show you are submitting your music for So know the station before sinmitting
  • MileHi Music
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: This Denver-area site piqued my interest even with missing context (What genres do they prefer? Locals only?). EDIT: Upon further review…this is a site aimed at the mountains/promoting musicians of Colorado.
    While the submission page lacks context on submissions, it pushes “Song of the Week”.
    A “Song of the week” is picked andf promoted…with a video produced to promote it. A video that will ge a paid advertisement for a week on Facebook. That should seem reason enough to submit music without caring about other factors, but I advise you to do some listening and better research on this than just knee-jerk, gotta-do-it reacting.
  • KS 107.5
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • See Also: College – Colorado
  • KGNU  – Boulder, Colotado
    WWeb Site || Submissions Page
  • KBCZ 89.3 FM Boulder
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: They disclose on the homepage that they take digital music submissions through the contact page without other info on files or submitter data. They also talk about scheduling and genres on the main page but I didn’t go through it.
  • Colorado Public Radio
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KRFC Radio Fort Collins
    Web Site || Contact Page
    Notes: They host a wide range of music genres, nut submissions appear ro be physical copies through the mail.
  • KUVO
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Colorado, be heard here.
  • KUPR 99.9 FM-LP – Placitas, New Mexico
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Seeking content from New Mexico state residents.
  • KBER – Salt Lake Soundcheck
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • Downtown Radio – Tuscon, Az
    Web Site || Cpmtact Page
  • KWSS 93.9FM – Independent Radio
    Web Site || About Page
    Notes:A low-power commumuity station in the Phoenix area, their music focus is ib alt. rock, pop, and the indie variety. Submit tunes via enaul.
  • KWNK 97.7 FM – Reno, NV
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KLYZ 97.5 The Beat – Las Vegas
    Web Site || DJ Page
    Notes: A hit music station, their stated means of music submission is by contacting DJs. You’re competing with chart-music along with other submitting music.
  • Wyoming Public Radio – KUW
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KBear 101 – Idaho’s Only Real Rock Station
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Eastern Idaho-based station, this submission form is “4 Locals Only”. Those in the immediate region (Montana, Wyoming, Utah) may want to take a shot here too.

West /’Pacific

Los Angeles

  • At-Cosr KGUP FM Emerge
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Three things surprised me on this L.A. based station:
    – Locals only
    – A fee for musical submissions
    –  Dropping a (censored) F-Bomb to explain the submission fed options.
    Ir selected lots of: airplay. Yout submission must be single-length in time (not exceeding 5-minutes).
  • Power 106 KPWR – Los Angeles
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: Hip-hop… Submitting here is one hell of a challenge… fo” shizzle…
  • KPFK – Los Angeles
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • See Also: College – California

[Sorry, missing stations bwrween LA + SF]

San Francisco

  • KSFM – Sacramento
    Web Site || Submission Page
    Notes: They want it clean in your hip-hop’RnB/Urban song submissions, that makes so much F’CCing sense!
    The oddity is how they seem to want streamed-music as part of submissions (at least initially) and not files… That means sharing a YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, or other service link.
  • ||
  • OPB Music
    Web Site || Submissions Pahe
    Notes: O5egon Public Broadcast covers the state and southwest Washington state. It’s unclear if this is a locals-only station, though they do make it a note that submission emails should include whee they can see you play live. What is abundantly clear is the notion they are a digital-first station and want huge files – WAV being preferred. You can find that info on the submission page along with CD submission guidelines.
  • the detour radio network
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Affiliated with the Pacifica Radio Network, the detour is Free form – any and all genres.
  • KBOO – Port;and
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KYRS Spokane
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KZAX – Bellingham
    Web Site|| FAQ Page
    Notes low–0wer, freeform, community station. They are clear in listing info to provide with submissions.


  • Seattle Wave Radio
    Web Site || Submission page
    Note:   Catering to regional artists of the Pacific Northwest.
  • KBFG 107.3 FM
    Web site || Submissions Page
    Notes: By-mail or form submission The catch is this volunteer station declares on the main page they want to highlight quality local music. They don’t repeat that on the submission page…
  • Seattle Smooth Jazz
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • See Also: College – Washington
  • 90.7FM KSER – Everett
    Web Site || Submissions Page
  • KPTZ 91.9 FM Radio Port Townsend
    Web Site || Staff Page
  • The BLOCK with Bryson Worden
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Bryson’s radio show is scheduled on CIVL in Abbottsford, B.C., and is open to new/fresh releases in all genres He’s not sweet on explicit content but it is acceptable. Submissions are through a form on Google.
    If you make the cut and gef featured on THE BLOCK, your music will also be added to the CIVL music rotation. More airplay/exposure.
  • Hi93 – Honolulu, Hawaii
    Web Site || Submissions Pagq
  • Hi95 – Kaui, Hawaii
    Web Site || Submissions Page




South Africa




Australia & Down Under

  • Bank/s Radio
    Web Sit4 || Submissions Page
  • 2SER 107.3
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Let’s go down under! 2ser is in Australia, Sydney to be more exact. They take submissions via email and will go as far as full albums. They also do interviews and other promotional stuff.
    I did not go through shows to see genres. They also didn’t make it obvious if they want Aussies and blokes down under alone (g’ day to the Tasmanians and New Zealanders out there(. It’s worth taking a shot with or at least researching more.
  • 106.7 PBS FM
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Confession — I crossed this site on search engine results and immediately assumed it was what Americans know as the Public Broadcasting Service… Uh, that’s television. On the radio, it’s National Public Radio (NPR). Oops.
    PBS is Downunder in Melbourne, Australia. They’re a direct form submission and say it — they prefer digital copies/submissions and would like to hear from local acts and the international community. You’ll need to include a press release or a bio with your submission to go along with other standard form stuff.
  • See Also: Cokkege – New Zealand


British Isles

  • BBC Music Introducing
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Registration is required, and I don’t know the depth of the processm but it was pointed out by others that you must be a resident of the UK to submit.
  • Express FM
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Portsmouth residents only.
  • In Yer Ears
    Web Site ||
    Notes: Radio show based in the UK. Music is submitted via email and that info is on the show page. I asked on Twitter for more submission info (genres, file format) and they replied
    Pretty much anything that is covered by the word Rock and Blues. Also happy to receive roots and folk submissions. MP3 and WAV files please.:
  • Radio Hartlepool
    Web Site || Submission page
    Note: Based in the United Kingdom, the station only accepts submissions of new music. All stations vary in their stance on how old songs and albums can be that are submitted. In this case, the station is very forward about the matter; it’s gotta be new.
  • Channel One
    Web Site || Submissions Page
    Notes: Unclear on the submission process — do they accept digital or is it just hard copies mailed in. You’ll have to contact them about new music submissions and get this clarified.


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