To Goatee or Not Goatee – That is the Question

As crappy as I have been feeling, I haven’t been shaving like normal – which has been the case since I got out of the hospital. Last time I DID shave I looked in the mirror afterwards and felt wierd with what I saw — my face without any hair on it. It just didn’t look right somehow.

So, I’ve let some of my facial pubes grow and grow and have driven my parents crazy with the fact I have this… THING on my face now… Meanwhile I have actually gotten props from Bob, my physical therapist, because I finally look more my age with this in-developement goatee…

What do you think, folks? Keep it growing or go back to baby face?

Normal Johnny-Boy

MyWebCam - 01-01-2004 - 21-03-19.jpg
(Facial)Hair Apparent Johnny-Boy

3 Comments to To Goatee or Not Goatee – That is the Question

  1. Keith says:

    “Facial pubes” Can I put that in as my vote for funniest entry of 2004?

  2. Keith says:

    Oh, anything that drives the parents nuts is a good thing. Keep it.

  3. tedc says:

    I would keep the hair around you oral orafice as it does two three things. It drives your parents crazy, gives you that “maybe I am a genious… or maybe I am a serial killer… decide which is right, and which is an illusion” look, and lastly it saves you time so you may use it to make your bed!

    Come on, John, looks are everything!;)

    Good to see ya again, Buddy. I hope you are doing well.