Sniper Stuff

The Sniper case finally broke late last night. If you have been living under a rock the past month you would not be aware of Sniper attacks that have been going on in Maryland and North Virginia — 10 (?) killed, several wounded – and the fact they had no leads on who was doing this or how to catch the guy.

What really irks me about this – forget them finally catching the guy for a moment – is the guy called the task force that was investigating these attacks. He called several times at that. And what happened? They hung up on him. They disregarded him. They brushed off the calls.

And five more people got shot and died because they were that ignorant not to take his calls seriously.

It’s screw ups like this that got thousands killed on September 11th… You know,” intelligence” not taking possible scenario’s seriously enough to acknowledge the threats…

Crazy, just too frigging crazy.

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