Blog / Newsfeed Recommendations

I cleared out some of my News / RSS feeds on Trillian Pro 2.0 the other day because the sites in general weren’t getting updated much and basically waiting another few months for a new story on a site like Bush / Orwell ’04 was lame.

SO what doe sthat mean?

It means I am running out of sites and blogs that amuse me. Damnit, that isn’t a good thing.

Now, for my blogdrive friends and livejournal friends as well — I’m sorry but this doesn’t apply to you when I complain about needing new and more newsfeeds. This mainly goes out to news sites and MT type blogs because they can generate newsfeeds through their software (I am NOT going to explain what the hell RSS is :tongue).

I am looiking for more sites to add and read daily… ANy suggesitons out there?

I mean, one of the sites I subscribe to is Howard Dean’s blog — Another is Defective Yeti which tends to be amusing more often than not… another great blog is… It’s after those three that I have problems finding something entertaining.

Oh well, enough of this ramble. I don’t think anyone will have feedback on my problem but I appreciate it if you could suggest valuable newsfeeds or sites you believe are worthy newsfeeds.

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