Tag: new site


Revamping Boltsmag

I’m not a real CSS junkie but I am getting better understanding of it now… And that is reflected in part by some changes I am developing for Boltsmag… I’ve created a site specifically for CSS Development (I will likely use it for this site sometime) where I have been tinkering away. I’m not quite done yet but hopefully soon.

Edit: WOW, with how well the new site has transfered and how comfortable I am getting with the CSS, I am goign to have to work on revamping Der Stonegauge now…. It’s high time I fixed this shit up….

Try Try Again

Toe is at it again.

The great sage and creative webmaster, known for such web sites as GWBush04.com, RedTideNews.com and the now defunct KilltheWeb.com satire sites, has a new political blog up and running…

For all of you who couldn’t guess where Toe falls on the political map, just check the site name and take a guess: The Blue Donkey